


My name is Mary Terese Fleszar but my family calls me Chee Chee.  You already know a bit about me if you are reading my page.  My life was taken from me at a young age but my family has made certain that no one be allowed to take me from my life. 

It is my hope that through this pictorial history of my life’s adventure you will get to know the real me. 

I was a young woman with hopes and dreams for my future. I enjoyed life and all it had to offer.  I believed in myself, worked hard, had determination and dedication.  I believe all things are possible for those who believe.

My sister bought some apples at the local farmers market recently and as it turned out the woman she

bought them from was a high school friend of mine.  When my sister introduced herself my friend

said “I think about Mary all the time”.......It’s nice to be remembered!


The white rose is symbolic of girlhood, innocence and love.

My Name is Mary Terese Fleszar

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt